St John Penuel Chidester III

St John Penuel Chidester III

Premiere Jun 27, 2021 • In the Beginning... #wedorecover #humanity #PrincipleofCare #dynastyrecoverylifestyle #drl #stjohn #johnpenuel #collectiveconsciousness #51percent #principleofperseverance #pop #fun #freeusnow #comeandsee #naturallaw
"Ones intention is the foundation of one's reality."
St John Penuel Chidester III
Exploring the intersection between the natural and unnatural, morality and slavery, love and fear.
•Premiere Aug 9, 2021 •This episode is the key that unlocks your reality.
#stjohn aka #stjohnpenuel talks about #prison GOING #UPTOP #recovery his two #NDE ( NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCES ) #naturallaw #naturallight #edgarcayce #ascension #wedorecover knowing #truth #love and #freedom being present in this moment #truthseekers #darknightofthesoul #fun ( #freeusnow ) #socialengineering #source #narrative #vaxinjury #akashicrecord #suicide #divideandconquer #beingthelighthouse #comeandsee #collectiveconsciousness #51percent #realilluminati #revelationofjohn #fiftyonepercent #UNSUNGLOGIC #PRINCIPLEOFCARE
Revelation OfJohnSHOW – Episode 6 - #freedomfirst
THEN HE GAVE ME THE PLANS www.thelostprinciple.com
Realize that there is one principle which stands above all principles...
Even our favorites, such as the
#PrincipleofCare & #PrincipleofPerseverance....
We conveniently gave it over to those who neither care or persevere.
Freedom means you have a choice.
And we do. It's our inheritance.
collective. #bysaintjohn #wedorecoverchallenge #wedorecover #comeandsee #nextchapter #principleofperseverance
#manifestare #drl4life
Revelation OfJohn Show - Episode 6.10 - This is an episode that I was not going to release. Well here it is. See why. We talk about housing. We talk about the real secret and the truth regarding manifestation. Join Saint John while he shows you how he HACKED the MAtrix. I wasn't going to release this. But here it is.
#wedorecover #HackingTheMatrix #principleofcare #thelostprinciple
#bysaintjohn #domestictarotistJohn Penuel Revelation of John Show Episode 7 #maninthemirror August 25th 2022 Saint John mirrors another beautiful soul in order to educate
the masses on who they truly are and why they are truly here. Special
thanks to John Saint Julian. Find him at https://www.youtube.com/c/JohnStJulienBabaWanyamaEPISODE 8 - #GR8WORKERS #GR8WORK #GR8 #PRODUCERE PART TWO - #Aphix
Remix of My letter to Lucifer. We dismiss your power over our people. We already won. They are paying close attention to us. They know we are
the ones. They are scared. The real ATTacks are about to begin.
This 8 minute segment includes Aphix's clip.... "Mark Passio for Slow People" .... Stay tuned..... more to follow.This has been a longtime coming. A catchup with some of the people from
Dynasty Recovery Housing and Lifestyle. #dynastyrecoverylifestyle
#principleofcare EVERYWHERE
This is more then a broadcast. More then some video that I edited. More then
a #recoverystory . More then a #recoveryhouse story. More then a
business plan. More then talk. This is a work of actions. Morality is
being challenged. My attempt is to edutain you with the action of
#thelostprinciple Visit my site for similar content. www.thelostprinciple.com
by Saint John Penuel Chidester III This is the what they dont want you to know. #wedorecoverAdd Title
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"Ones intention is the foundation of one's reality."
St John Penuel Chidester III
After years of personal recovery while studying topics such as the natural law, occultism, alchemy, esoteric practices, mind control, constitutional law, St John has brought this information to you. Saint John earned his name in the streets of brotherly love operational and assisting members of humanity who still suffer.
A past post from John Penuel Chidester
January 12, 2020 :
"What if this was your last day on this earth? What would people say about the last time they saw you? What kind of attitude, presence, appearance do you carry? What will they remember as the last thing that you said to them? How did you treat them? See .... The one thing that I have learned in my life today, is today is all I'll ever have. This moment. What happened ten years or ten days ago won't ever change the way I walk today. And no promise of tomorrow exists. Choose to go with love. Choose to be kind and have patience. Choose to be tolerant of those around. I might not like everything or everyone but I try to treat them how I would want to be treated... With love. That guy... Jesus? He did that.
Whether you were nice or nasty. He did that. Whether you acted like you cared or was a selfish a hole, He did that. See somewhere in ALL the religious and theological study and presentations of Christ, something extremely important was left behind, forgot about, or overlooked. Even hidden at times. The main focus usually is to "TURN TO CHRIST, CHRIST THE ONLY WAY TO HAVE SALVATION" BLAH BLAH... But the lost piece in this equation is why so many people haven't truly experienced the power and love of God. That piece is very simple. Turning to Christ is not what gives you salvation, it's the beginning but not even close to having salvation. The truth as I have experienced it is that the road you walk, to be Christ like, that's the salvation he had given me. That's the love and power of God in my life today. The intent of my heart.
The loving intent of my heart, to be like Christ. To live as he lives, which I may fail at at times. But luckily His love is so strong that it washes away the minor setbacks I may have.
The intent of one's heart. That is what someone will remember about you if you were gone today. Nothing else will ever matter more then that."
NutvNow John Penuel --- Son of Thunder -- 2017
Saint John Penuel Chidester III is at it again. Using positive intentions we flip cards for Humanity. Again. See #domestictarotist 2022
for a complete understanding of this update. Saint John flips 5 cards.
BODY< MIND< SOUL for Humanity. With a STRENGTH CARD and
CONFIRMATION CARD. #comeandsee This includes a breakdown of my name in
#GEMATRIA A possible explanation of what drew me to the specific
location where I have flipped these cards for two years now. And this
video closes with the actual flipping of the cards. Please enjoy my
version of #edutainment to fight against the enemies of humanity and
solutions to break us of the bonds of slavery.Aug 9, 2021 Mary Magdalene and Saint John Penuel Chidester III Without proper use of Natural Law, we fall short, as a species and as individuals. But when it is being used? It looks like this. #comeandsee #divinefeminine #naturallaw #principleofcare #principleofgender #collectiveconsciousness #51percent #realilluminati
Saint John goes live and speaks openly about the voting processes. Specials Guests: #APHIX
The Truth in this World @NothingNewUnderTheSun
Podcast 12 :
Addiction & Finding Truth
by Jonathan Wright
This is a discussion with my friend and life activist John Penuel. I call him a life activist because he has put real action into real life
which has helped many real people. He has gotten the nickname Saint John
from the people in his area because of the work he does on the streets
of Philly. John is knowledgeable about many things including Natural Law
and the internal struggle required to overcome addiction. We have this
in common which makes for great conversation. As usual, there is great
music at the end. Do check it out. Enjoy.Crypt Rick & Jonathan Show - Episode #10 : St. John
In case you missed it live this is our show that we did with Saint John. My friend John Penuel, up in Pennsylvania was kind enough to join
us last night for a discussion about the issues plaguing humanity. He
discusses his story a little bit, and we go all over the board, talking
about ways for humanity to make it through this upcoming collapse. For
the intermission, there is a great song by Fun Lovin’ Criminals. Enjoy.CORY FROM NITA.ONE - NATURE IS THE ANSWER - CREATED A BEAUTIFUL SUMMIT IN 2022 WITH OVER 60 SPEAKERS - This presentation explored the #shitshow description, origin and our recovery plan options. This discussion includes the topics of #occultism #naturallaw #symbolism #tarot #tarotreading #statist #polarity #psyche #psychology #wordmeaning #desire #ignorance and #judgement #recovery #recoveryplan #wedorecover #marymagdalene #duality #recoveryforlife #recoverywarrior #spirituality #love #freedom #truth #bysaintjohn #revelationofjohnshow #dynastyrecoverylifestyle #principleofcare
PLEASE VISIT his channel to explore more content creators and presentations for THE END OF SLAVERY
or at nita.oneAdd Title
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